Quantum Sensing Applications

2D materials

2D materials are making significant strides as functional elements in semiconductor devices. Although the signals from two-dimensional magnets are minuscule, they can still be detected by the ProteusQ, aiding researchers in understanding the textures of these ultrathin magnets. Additionally, SNVM can accurately resolve local current density flow patterns and optical properties of 2D materials.

Novel chiral quantum light source

Scanning NV Magnetometry proves how a novel combination of van der Waals materials is the easy and effective chiral quantum light source of the future.

Scanning NV magnetometry reveals magnetic textures in 2D material CrBr3 in cryogenic environment

Applying scanning NV magnetometry to cryogenic temperatures allowed Professor Wrachtrup and his collaborators to reveal magnetic domains and study their dynamics in atomically thin van der Waals magnets.

Characterization of room-temperature in-plane magnetization in thin flakes of CrTe2 with a single spin magnetometer

Using Qnami QuantileverMX probes, the team led by Vincent Jacques identifies the only “van der Waals” material known to date where magnetic order occurs in a few atomic layers even at room temperature 
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