Qnami launches the first accessory of the Qnami ProteusQ Series: Vario PQ. It unlocks the characterization of your devices in working conditions.Continue Reading
A new Nano Letters paper featuring a novel application unlocked by Scanning NV Magnetometry is out. For the first time, researchers from imec revealed nanoscopic weak magnetic defects in nanowires using Qnami ProteusQ.Continue Reading
Qnami launches its new Whitepaper and Technical Note about the Qnami ProteusQ Imaging Modalities. All you want to know from use cases to working principles is only one click away.Continue Reading
This technical note explains how spatial resolution is defined in Scanning NV Magnetometry. For a given distance d between the NV center and the scanned surface, the best achievable lateral spatial resolution is 0.86 d.Continue Reading
Qnami is pleased to share the case study we created together with Element Six. Element Six is a critical partner to Qnami for the supply of synthetic diamond. We utilize this diamond material to create the QuantileverMX series of sensors that power our Qnami ProteusQ Scanning NV Magnetometer. “Element Six has been at the forefront...Continue Reading
This technical note aims to provide the reader with the fundamentals of NV magnetometry. In a first part we introduce the nitrogenvacancy (NV) center and its fundamental properties.Continue Reading