

Issue #20 | Assessing the quality of magnetic memory devices

Researchers demonstrate electrical switching on BFO by combining Piezo Force and SNVM thanks to ProteusQ.
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Let The Science Talk - Edition 19 - April 2024 | Bismuth Ferrite as the platform for efficient spintronics

Issue #19 | BFO as a platform for ultraefficient spintronics

Researchers demonstrate electrical switching on BFO by combining Piezo Force and SNVM thanks to ProteusQ.
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Issue #18 | Understand what annoys your spin qubits

Combining FEBID and Scanning NV Microscopy researechers unveiled how to optimize nanomagnets for spin qubit control
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Special edition of the Let the Science Talk - ProteusQ Image Gallery - an ode to the beauty of the very small

Special Issue | An ode to the beauty of the very small

For the end of the year, we treat our readers with a special edition of Let The Science Talk. We share a selection of the measuaments done with ProteusQ in collaboration with scientists from all over the world featured in our Image Gallery.
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Issue #15 | Multiferroicity in Spin Cycloid state in BFO

Multiferroicity and spin cycloids unveiled in BFO thin films with ProteusQ and Quantilever MX.
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ProteusQ installed at RPTU Kaiserslautern

Another installation of ProteusQ completed. The system at RPTU was funded within a major instrumentation intiation by the DFG
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Issue #14 | Unexpected magnon spin diffusion in ultra-thin ferrite film

ProteusQ and AI had a crucial role for greakthrough findings challenging the standard models for magnons crossing domain walls.
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Installation of Qnami ProteusQ Scanning NV Microscope at the Quantum Technologies Department at HZDR

ProteusQ finds a new home at HZDR

The Quantum Technologies Department at the HZDR in Dresden becomes the new home for another ProteusQ
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ProteusQ installed at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids for the Spin3D and QIQM groups

ProteusQ at the MPI for chemical physics of solids in Dresden

Qnami ProteusQ has been installed at the MPI for Chemical Physics of Solids for Claire Donnelly and Uri Vool groups.
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Northeastern University acquires the first Quantum Microscope in the US as Qnami opens to North American market

The first Qnami ProteusQ in North America has been delivered in the EQUAL facility at Northeastern University led by Professor Swastik Kar.
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