Qnami, the ProteusQ and our QuantileverMX probes will feature in 3 presentations at the 65th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2020) this week.
We certainly all wish we were actually in Palm Beach, Florida, enjoying the conference and meeting colleagues and customers in person (maybe also enjoying a little sunshine). But we are at home. Like most of you. Watching selected talks by streaming video. Maybe occasionally telling our kids, “Just another 5 minutes…”
All 3 presentations will be available on demand to conference participants:
L1-07 Invited Talk: Imaging Non-Collinear Antiferromagnetic Textures via Single Spin Relaxometry (Aurore Finco, University of Montpellier)
L1-09 Antiferromagnetic Spin Cycloidal Orders Imaged with a Commercial Scanning Nitrogen-Vacancy Magnetometer (Hai Zhong, Qnami)
I3-06 Room-Temperature Skyrmions at Zero Field in Exchange-Biased Ultrathin Films (Florentin Fabre, University of Montpellier)
“We’re really pleased to see the increased interest in Scanning NV Magnetometry at this year’s MMM,” said Mathieu Munsch, CEO of Qnami. “While we won’t be able to meet customers in the exhibit hall, we welcome interaction at the live Q&A sessions and by reaching out to us directly, or via our website.”
Qnami recently launched the Qnami ProteusQ, a complete quantum microscope system that leverages the Qnami QuantileverMX quantum sensor. The Qnami ProteusQ is the first scanning NV (nitrogen-vacancy) microscope for the analysis of magnetic materials at the atomic scale. It is available exclusively through Qnami’s distributor, Horiba.
About Qnami: Qnami is a VC-backed high-tech company with its roots at the Physics Department of the University of Basel in Switzerland. It develops fundamental new technology using quantum mechanics. The control of the state of a single electron enables measurement with a precision that could never be achieved before. The technique is called quantum sensing and Qnami is enthusiastically developing it to improve people’s lives and the world. Extensive academic research and deep knowledge build the ground for all that Qnami does. With this technology, Qnami is redefining the common understanding of precision. Qnami offers an open team culture of mutual respect and intercultural understanding which is both business and scientific minded. Qnami attracts young, multicultural, open and skilled team members, who have a deep passion for the work. www.qnami.ch