Qnami expands to East Asia

Qnami announces the commercial partnership with Quantum Design Japan and Quantum Design Korea to bring its quantum platform for sensing applications to East Asia.

Qnami announces the commercial partnership with Quantum Design Japan and Quantum Design Korea to bring its quantum platform for sensing applications to East Asia.

Quantum sensing is the branch of quantum technology that is very much here and now. Since 2017, Qnami is the technology pioneer and leader in quantum sensing. We harness the quantum properties of Nitrogen Vacancy centres, atom-sized defects in ultra-pure diamonds, to function as sensors of for instance magnetic fields, electrical currents and temperature.

NV-based quantum sensors are already proving their worth in fields as varied as materials science, navigation, and life science. At Qnami, these sensors have been integrated into a nano-scale mapping microscope, ProteusQ™, where they are used amongst others to develop new materials for a more sustainable next generation of devices.

Qnami ProteusQ - thq quantum microscope to probe magnetic properties of your materials at the nanoscale

Launched in 2020, Qnami ProteusQ™, is the first commercial Scanning NV Magnetometer.  This instrument, which uses Qnami’s patented Quantilever™ diamond scanning probes, is already up and running in 10+ universities and research centres in Europe and North America. Among the earliest adopter, also the CNRS-Thales laboratory of the Nobel laurate Albert Fert, the father of spintronics, the field of research transforming modern computing.

The unrivalled success of the Qnami ProteusQ in Europe and – thanks to our partner Quantum Design – in the USA, has led Qnami to sign an agreement with Quantum Design Japan and Quantum Design Korea for exclusive local distribution rights of the ProteusQ. Addressing the vibrant and cutting-edge research communities in both South Korea and Japan is a natural extension for the Qnami sales and customer support team, and both partners are looking forward to enabling even further advanced spintronics and nanomagnetism research.

John MacArthur, Head of Quantum Design Japan sees this as a natural synergy

We have many years’ experience in providing and supporting instrumentation for nanoscale characterization and sensitive magnetic measurements, and the ProteusQ addresses questions that our valued customers are already asking. We are very excited by the new scientific possibilities that this agreement will permit

John MacArthur, Head of Quantum Design Japan

Benjamin Holmes, Sales Manager for the East East at Qnami, adds:

The success of the Qnami/Quantum Design partneship in the US has laid the groundwork for this agreement. At Qnami, we have been impressed by the knowledgeable and science-first approach of our partners and are looking forward to replicating this success in the Orient. It was always a priority for us to bring our turnkey, open-design Scanning NV magnetometer ProteusQ to Japan and Korea, and the initial response of the scientific community has been very receptive

Benjamin Holmes, Sales Manager at Qnami

About Qnami

Qnami is a VC-backed high-tech company with its roots at the Physics Department of the University of Basel in Switzerland. It develops fundamental new technology using quantum mechanics. The control of the state of a single electron enables measurement with a precision that could never be achieved before. This technique is called Quantum Sensing, and Qnami is enthusiastically developing it to improve people’s lives and the world. Extensive academic research and deep knowledge build the ground for all that Qnami does. With this technology, Qnami is redefining the common understanding of precision. Qnami offers an open team culture of mutual respect and intercultural understanding which is both business and scientific minded. Qnami attracts young, multicultural, open and skilled team members, who have a deep passion for the work. www.qnami.ch

About Quantum Design

Quantum Design operates at the forefront of technological innovation, with a focus on materials science, optoelectronics, and life science. Such core disciplines hold immense potential for shaping the future of human advancement. Their significant contributions span the discovery of high-temperature superconducting materials, their applications in laser microfabrication and optical communications, and the analysis of the human genome. These breakthroughs have played pivotal roles in new materials, semiconductors, with anticipated future strides in technology. QD Japan and QD Korea are the subsidiaries of the American company Quantum Design.They also function as high-tech trading companies. By providing the world’s most cutting-edge scientific equipment, they consistently conduct user research and solve problems in the industrial field. They continue to make efforts as a company to support the success of their customers with their advanced technological capabilities. QD Japan https://www.qd-japan.com/ | QD Korea http://qdkorea.com/index.html

How to contact our local distributors:

Are you based in Japan and have sales enquiries?
Please ontact info@qd-japan.com
For additional information visit QD Japan Website

If you are based in Korea and have sales enquiries,
please scontact: qdk@qdkorea.com
For Marketing inquiries: Sung-Hak HONG, PhD
For additional information visit QD Korea Website

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