Mark your calendar for September 6 – 10, 2021 because Trends in MAGnetism 2021 is going live. Time to talk Nanomagnetism!
The scope of the conference is to bring together leading experts both from academia and industry working in nanomagnetism. A great program is ready for all the magnetism-savvies like us, like you. Sessions will cover latest advances in magnetic materials and devices, topological magnetism, magnetic characterization, emerging applications and even more.
Qnami is thrilled to fill a key role in such an exciting conference. We are going to share our scientific results, showcase our products and their applications, and support Trends in MAGnetism as one of their sponsors.
Curious to know where to find us at the conference? Here is all you need to know.
Talks at Trends in MAGnetism
Would you like to learn how a single atomic defect can unveil the most subtle magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic materials? Then we invite you to attend these two talks about Scanning NV magnetometry as a tool to explore magnetic materials with extremely complex magnetic textures such as antiferromagnets. Enjoy!
Session AB: Antiferromagnetic spintronics. Antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials
Date & Time: All talks are pre-recorded, and will be available to the conference attendees through the online platform from August 28 until November 2021.
Talk Title: “Exploring antiferromagnetic order at the nanoscale with a single spin microscope” (Invited talk)
Speaker: Dr. Vincent Jacques, CNRS Researcher, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, University of Montpellier and CNRS
Talk Title: “Quantitative imaging of antiferromagnetic spin cycloidal textures on strain engineered BiFeO3 thin films with a scanning nitrogen-vacancy magnetometer”
Speaker: Dr. Hai Zhong, Application Scientist
Qnami as sponsor and exhibitor at Trends in MAGnetism
When visiting the virtual conference platform, you can find us among the conference sponsors. Visit our virtual booth to learn more about our company, our products and their applications.
For further information about the event, please visit the Trends in MAGnetism webpage.