The 84th Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society will be held in a purely online format. The Condensed Matter Section is going to be live from September 27 to October 1, 2021.
The scientific program covers a broad range of topics from magnetism to biophysics, from semiconductor physics to thin films. The program committee decided to give the right relevance to world-wide challenges such as Covid-19 pandemics and climate change through dedicated symposia.
Qnami is very proud to see that the crucial role of scanning NV magnetometry in exploring and fully understanding novel magnetic materials is highlighted in one of the invited Symposia:
Symposium Title: Potentials for NVs sensing magnetic phases, textures, and excitations
Date and Time: September 27, 13:30 – 16:15, live session
Our CSO and Co-Founder Prof. Patrick Maletinsky is one of the invited speaker for the symposium. He will discuss how to use Scanning NV magnetometry for nanoscale probing of antiferromagnetic systems and high-resolution imaging of atomically thin van der Waals magnets.
Talk title: Nanoscale imaging of spin textures with single spins in diamond
Date and Time: September 27, 15:15 CEST, live talk
Poster Sessions:
As part of the MA 15: Posters Magnetism IV session, our Application Scientist Dr. Peter Rickhaus will be presenting our latest results on bismuth ferrite. His poster focuses on how Scanning NV Magnetometry allows to explore complex antiferromagnetic structures in multiferroics.
Poster Session: MA 15: Posters Magnetism IV
Poster Title: Antiferromagnetic spin cycloids imaged with a Scanning Nitrogen-Vacancy Magnetometer
Date and Time: September 30, 2021, 13:30–16:30