Earlier this month the team led by Dr. Denys Makarov published a Nature Communications paper on unconventional flexomagnetic effects in chromium oxide thin films. These groundbreaking results open completely new chapters in the investigation of antiferromagnetic thin films and the use of magneto-mechanical coupling in the design of novel materials and device responses.
Combining magneto transport and scanning NV magnetometry measurements, the team studied the effects of inhomogeneous strain on the magnetic and thermodynamic properties of chromium oxide. For the first time, they revealed an unusual vertical gradient on the Neel temperature of the thin film resulting in a strong magnetic moment in the direction of the Neel vector.
This unconventional flexomagnetism-induced magnetic moment provides novel unexplored means for the manipulation of the antiferromagnetic order parameter, opening new avenues for the design of non-volatile memory devices.
Our congratulations for their groundbreaking results published in Nature Communications go to Dr. Denys Makarov (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. ) and his collaborators from Kyiv Academic University, University of Basel, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, and Institute for Solid State and Materials Physics TU Dresden.
Read more about the paper on our application page.
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Scanning NV Magnetometry is unlocking more and more applications in the field of nanoscale magnetism. Can yours be the next one? We can find it out together. Drop an email to our Application Scientist Dr. Peter Rickhaus (AppLab@qnami.ch). We would be happy to talk with you.