Let the science talk - Issue #14

Unexpected magnon spin diffusion in ultra-thin ferrite films

Understanding the behavior of magnons as they propagate through magnetic materials is vital for the development of next-generation spintronic devices. However, as Prof. Tianxiang Nan and collaborators recently reported in their Nature Communications paper, these quanta of spin waves continue to hold surprises.

Established models of the interactions between magnons and static domain walls suggest that magnon spin currents crossing 180-degree domain walls should decay to zero on a length scale comparable to the magnetic domain size. However, using non-local spin transport measurements, researchers observed…

Combining the accuracy of the data obtained with ProteusQ and the AI-based method to infer the magnetization, was cruicial to fully understand the behaviour of magnons in MAFO
Adapted from Fig. 1 of the Supporting Information from Nat Commun 14, 2393 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-38095-3
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