We Are Unlocking The Quantum Technology to Enable a Better World

At Qnami we develop fundamental new technology using quantum mechanics. The control and measurement of the state of a single electron enables us to measure what could never be measured before. We call this quantum sensing and we are enthusiastically developing this technique to improve people’s lives and the world.

The future is us

The world is experiencing a quantum revolution with astonishing potential for innovation and growth. Qnami is a venture capital-backed quantum sensing company. We’re still small (that makes us agile), but we’re an important key player aiming to be thought leaders in our field. Deep tech in Switzerland is strong and can be backed locally with excellent return on investment.

Work with us

Qnami offers an open team culture of mutual respect and intercultural understanding. We are both business and scientific minded. Young, multicultural, open and skilled, we have a deep passion for our work. Each of us offers their top unique skills plus an enthusiastic spirit – because we believe in what we do. 

Patrick Hsia is an Optical Engineer at Qnami

Patrick Hsia

Optical Engineer

Patrick is an Optical Engineer at Qnami.

Meet the team

Jonas Mahn - Software Engineer at Qnami

Jonas Mahn

Software Engineer
Qnami team member Patrick Maletinsky

Patrick Maletinsky

CSO, Co-Founder
Qnami team member Hai Zong

Hai Zhong

Senior Development Engineer

Dursum Besic

Head of Finance and HR Operations
Qnami team member Gediminas Seniutinas

Gediminas Seniutinas

Process Engineer
Rebecca Giger is the HR consultant at Qnami

Rebecca Giger

Growth and HR advisor
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